The major energy centers of your body, often referred to as chakras, can be
blocked, overactive, or under-active. These imbalances can cause mental, physical and emotional issues within the body and spiritual disconnect.
Below you will find the differences and how to resolve them.
Heart Chakra: Gives you the ability to love yourself and others and receive love, acceptance, empathy, joy, gratitude, generosity, forgiveness, and compassion.
· Location: In the center of the chest just above the sternum expanding the the back between the shoulder blades

· Associated Body Parts/functions: Heart, lungs, circulation, skin,
· Overactive Symptoms: Jealousy, possessiveness, being judgmental, defensiveness, spitefulness, selfishness (comping from a place of possession), and feeling clingy or smothering
· Under active Symptoms: Co-dependence, depression, loneliness, feeling unloved or unlovable, avoidant or fearful of intimacy/being loved, self-isolating, selfishness (coming from a place of lack), inability to find empathy, love, or understanding
· Physical Ailments that can be Associated with heart Imbalance: high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke (heart), hypertensions, shortness of breath, lung/breathing issues, fear, depression, emotional issues, mood swings, severe acne or skin issues, circulation issues, thymus issues, low immunity
· Causes: receiving excessive abuse, lack of love received or given by authoritative leaders/parents/guardians, being suppressed, invalidated, controlled, manipulated, or ignored.
· Balanced Crown Chakra Indicators: Openness, kindness or thoughtfulness, empathetic, understanding, giving, willingness to share or help, joyful, grateful, and having compassion and understanding for self and others.
Ways to Balance on Your Own: self care and self love, practicing mantras,
yoga poses: cactus, mountain, bow, locust, plow, Bow, reverse plank, side angle, gate pose, exercise, (without shaming), eating leafy greens (if your medically able
to), get outside and be in the sun, meditation, volunteering or doing things for others, sharing with others and truly notice their gratitude, practice gratitude by journaling or stating what you are grateful for out loud, genuinely saying thank you to others, practicing mantras for self confidence daily, self energy work such as reiki.
Seeking a Professional Solution: Reiki, IET, sound healing, acupuncture, biofeedback therapy, and crystal healing are all ways that can help open blockages. It is however, important to implement your own changes, practices, and habits to ensure you remain balanced.