The major energy centers of your body, often referred to as chakras, can be blocked, overactive, or under-active. These imbalances can cause mental physical and emotional issue within the body. Below you will find the differences and how to resolve the.
Crown Chakra- responsible for your connection to spirit which allows for a mind body spirit connection.
Location: Found at the top of the head
Overactive Symptoms: Egotistically spiritual, Addicted to spirituality, Materialistic, Schizophrenia, Disassociation from body and connection with others, Overly intellectual
Under active Symptoms: Spiritual cynicism, not wanting to share/ greed, Rigid belief systems, Avoiding having a belief system. Unable to have fun (this can also be associated with the sacral Chakra)
Physical Ailments that can be Associated with Crown Chakra Imbalance: Migraines, Frequent headaches (many other causes), Bipolar Disorders I and II, Exhaustion, Brain fog, Brain tumors, and other issues with the brain, nervous system, and the pituitary gland.
Causes: Being forced to practice a religion or spiritual practice, Religious abuse (having your rights violated for the sake of someone else's religious beliefs), Invalidation of your own spiritual beliefs or experiences, being greedy or materialistic.
Balanced Crown Chakra Indicators: Joy, Intelligent/ Wise, Generosity, Open minded, Self Awareness, Connected (to source, God, energy, angels, ancesors, or something else that cannot be seen/heard),
Ways to Balance on Your Own: Meditate, practice self awareness, Establish a spiritual practice (thanking/speaking to/ asking for guidance or support from guides, spirits, ancestors, deceased loved ones, the creator, mama Gaia, who or whatever you wish), yoga poses (headstand, tree pose, rabbit pose, reverse childs pose, savasana) Avoid eating and drinking substances that are naturally occurring such as dyes, fluoride, and other chemical compounds found in processed and other foods. Practice tai chi or chi gong, Expand your knowledge intake with books, Speeches or podcasts made by someone you'd like to learn from, figure out & establish your beliefs.
Seeking a Professional Solution: Reiki, IET, sound healing, acupuncture, biofeedback therapy, and message are all ways that can help open the end. It is however, to implement your own changes, practices, and habits to ensure you remain balances.
To learn more about my reiki and IET services, click the book now button.
This information had been gathered of years of working with clients with these imbalances, my own experience, in addition to a number of other resources such as, "Soul Fishing A Theory of Harmonizing the Human Experience", by Kiani Starflower, and "Chakras", by Heidi E. Spear. This information should only be used as a reference for you to figure out what resonates with and works for you.