The major energy centers of your body, often referred to as chakras, can be

blocked, overactive, or under-active. These imbalances can cause mental, physical and emotional issues within the body and spiritual disconnect.
Below you will find the differences and how to resolve them.
Solar Plexus Chakra- responsible for your inner power: strength, stamina, willpower, vitality, clarity, beliefs, independence, and ego.
Location: Found just below the sternum between the ribs extending throughout the body out of the vertebrates T5-T7.
Associated Body Parts/functions: Spine (T5, T6, and T7), Liver, Some heart functions, esophagus, liver, spleen, stomach, peritoneum, Duodenum, kidneys (also sacral and root chakras) Large intestine, pancreas, and circulation, celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, renal arteries, abdomen, lungs (also heart)
Overactive Symptoms: Arrogance, power hungry, competitive, domineering, critical, harsh judgement, wanting control over others, rage, violence,
Under active Symptoms: Lack of control, will power, drive, or direction in life, lack of ambition or motivation, feeling worthless, low self esteem, lacking integrity, negative thinking, low energy, fear of rejection, nervousness, indecisiveness, stomach pain, and nausea
Physical Ailments that can be Associated with solar plexus Imbalance: Digestive issues (IBS, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux), pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, diabetes, arthritis, intestinal tumors, colon diseases (celiac, Crohn's, etc.), eating disorders, low blood pressure, and nerve pain
Causes: receiving excessive criticism or verbal abuse, being told your thoughts are invaluable, irrelevant, stupid, etc., authoritative leaders/parents/guardians with weight in your life, being suppressed, invalidated, controlled, manipulated, or made to believe your reality isn't what you perceive.
Balanced Crown Chakra Indicators: Strong voice, assertive, responsible, reliable, integrity, spontaneity, playful, sense of humor, decisive, intellectual, powerful, will power, conveying wisdom, making plans come to fruition
Ways to Balance on Your Own: Doing what you commit to, practicing mantras, yoga poses: mountain, triangle, bow, cobra, chair, plank and cobra, practice being assertive (not passive or aggressive), try new things, get outside and be in the sun, meditation, practicing mantras for self confidence daily, self energy work such as reiki.
Seeking a Professional Solution: Reiki, IET, sound healing, acupuncture, biofeedback therapy, and crystal healing are all ways that can help open blockages. It is however, important to implement your own changes, practices, and habits to ensure you remain balanced.
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